Sunday, March 3, 2013

We're Still Alive!

Welp….It’s an underestimate to say that I am a little behind on blogging these days. So in a jiffy here is what we have done since then. 

Celebrated Chinese New Year with soup dumplings in China town. 

Admired the Empire State building shining bright pink for Valentines Day. 

Kiker rocked the red hipster look for Valentines day. 

We got a super cute valentine from a special friend in Texas! 

Got a cute picture of my Houston Valentine Dixie! 

Kinda forgot about breakfast one morning. 

 Susie sent us more cookies

Worked in New Jersey and got to see this amazing view all week! 

Found out New York City had a law to register all dogs

Performed the intern Starbucks run

Got new shoes

And a funny picture. 

So that's what we have been up to lately. 

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