Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saturday Snow Day

So after surviving having fun in the blizzard the day before we decided it was time to play in the LARGE amount of snow that was EVERYWHERE. Let’s just say the weather man was right when he said we would get over a foot in the city. Definitely right. 

We started our Saturday off like we always do. Right down the street at comfort diner. And of course it didn’t disappoint. 
(Yes, we may have ate all of it) 

Then we set off for our adventures! 

I had seen so many people posting pictures of central park and I figured it would be quite a winter wonderland after the big blizzard. And it most certainly was.

I guess it is a known secret that after a huge snow storm that everyone in the city should just go play in central park. So many happy people and kids running waist high in the snow. 

Let it also be known that when you decide to move up here you better bring your sleds and cross country skis. There were tons I mean tons of kids sledding down the hills. There were jumps and all! Pretty impressive stuff. And for those who didn’t have actual sleds… well they grabbed whatever they could. Cardboard, container lids, trash cans, you name it.

I also saw people in the meadows park area cross country skiing. How AWESOME! Seriously I would have never thought to bring skis to New York City.

Central park was gorgeous. Seriously so much fun!

There were snow photo shoots (people had to have known we were from Texas at this point)

Sassy faces

Snow statues (so cool, must have taken so much time)

Snow men, both short and fat

And tall and handsome

And kisses all around

Selfies of course

And cute puppies that played in the snow. 

For a moment I stopped and closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of Central Park. Instead of the husstle and bussle of cars honking and people cursing, I heard pure JOY. Children laughing, people talking, and snow falling from the trees. I opened my eyes to see people happy walking, kids sledding, and people smiling. This was the happy, real, post-blizzard, New York city. and I was so overjoyed!

After our adventures in central park we ventured to run errands. 
Saw a puppy store. They were super cute but you have to wonder why they were half off?

Saw some awesome pictures

And I sign I just loved!
 We also may have eaten fro yo for dinner.

That night we had heard of a Bulgarian bar called Mehantas in east village. With an Ice cage! Yep check it out for yourself. So of course we ventured there to make some memories. 


It was an underground, packed salsa dancing, live band kind of place and boy was it SUPER fun! 

Overall it was a FABULOUS day filled fun, friends and lots of snow!

( I also may have danced on a snow man)