Sunday, February 10, 2013

The GREAT Blizzard

First of all we would like to thank each of you who called or texted us about how we were handling the blizzard that rolled into the city Friday night. It was much appreciated! 

Now I must admit that I have never been through a blizzard let alone a heavy snow storm. So when the people at work were saying Thursday night that we would still come in unless it was really bad, I was super confused. the word blizzard itself sounded bad enough! (or exciting if your thinking of DQ) As I told many of you, this Texas girl only knows that when they say hurricane you get a raft and run for high ground. 

But let me be the first to tell you that this blizzard was SUPER FUN! I personally loved it and felt completely safe during the majority of it. 

First off I got the best news at 7:03 from my team at work… WORK FROM HOME!!! HOLLER. Already this blizzard was going to be TERRIFIC. So I did what my mom has taught me so well to do.. keep your PJ’s on, make some breakfast, watch the news and get to work. 

I must say I questioned many times during that day how great it would be do work from home maybe part time. I’m thinking Monday, Wednesday, Friday? Seriously such a great work day. 

(don’t worry I did end up changing into real clothes, eating a real lunch and finishing my work by 6 pm)

During my work day let me just tell you it snowed. And SNOWED and SNOWED! It never stopped and it was coming down hard. The best way for me to explain it to you peeps from the south is that it was like a horrible rain storm (the kind where it’s red on the radar on TV) and it lasted for hours and hours. But unlike rain, it sticks on the ground and builds up into a pretty white shimmering pile of snow! (or a super slick road)

Around noon I saw that the mayor gave a press conference about the storm. His number one recommendation was to stay off the streets. At first this confused me. Stay off as in like don’t drive.. well okay that’s easy. We don’t have a car. Or stay off as in don’t walk. We took his advice, until we got hungry.

So we set out for dinner and what a site it was outside! Winter wonderland in NYC! 

We had all intentions of walking to the subway but after being pelted with snow for about 2 minutes we said okay grab a cab. And have no fear we got there just fine. (Trucks were scraping the roads all day and night during the storm)

After grabbing dinner with some of Laura’s sorority sisters at Staton Social (great tapas restaurant) we decided to head back. But just as the weather man had said the snow and wind had picked up. We came out of the restaurant and it was a mess. But don’t worry we still took cute pics.

Now the cab ride was another story. Lets just say at this point there was at least a half foot of snow on the ground on the streets that weren’t being plowed. So it was quite slick and slippery thankfully we had a great cab driver who scared me half to death who took it about 20 the whole way home and also talked to himself? Whatever works.  

But the fun didn’t end there… it was time for more snow pics. Who doesn’t do this in a blizzard. (let it be known that this series of pictures became very useful right after)

So we caught about 230,923 snowflakes on our tongue

 Made snow angels

Saw a rat run from a bag of trash on the street to a building (not ours thankfully)
And had a snowball fight!

As we were crossing the street to come inside, Laura yelled “wait where’s my phone?” 
I quickly told her it was in her pocket. 
“No it’s not”- Laura.  

Ughhh ohhh yep. Ladies and Gentleman in the course of 5 minutes Laura managed to lose her cell phone in the snow that was now being plowed by trucks and covered with more snow. Of course we retraced our steps about 234 times and looked for about an hour and a half for the phone. Meanwhile all in the blizzard. I mean snow coming down so fast you could barely keep your eyes open and having it pile up and melt on top of your hair. And let it be known Laura HAD to find her phone because this was going to be the third phone she had broken or lost in the past two weeks. So there was no more room for insurance to cover this one. And surely the girl walked in freezing cold, icicles from her nose, talking on her phone. (she would like to thank her dear great grandma whom she prayed to the entire time)

INTERSTING FACT: Laura has had a total of 28 phones in her life.  I think I have had maybe 7 or 8

So while I was told to do the following things to prepare for the blizzard:

Get cash from the ATM
Buy dry goods
Buy lots of water and batteries
Charge my electronics

I did absolutely none of them. And I was completely fine. Maybe we just got lucky :) 

Can’t wait for the next blizzard!


  1. ha i was told to do all of those things for the hurricane. I did none of them, then I ended up with no money, no flashlight, no water and every electronic dead for many many days

    lol oops

  2. ^^^^^ha that comment was left by Dela G
