Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Visitor Number 1

Many people told us before we moved to New York City that they were going to visit us. Well this week we got our first visitor (since we started working) Michael!

So while we worked... Michael got to explore and play in New York. Here are a few of our adventures. 

(note most fancy pictures are credit of Michael) 

We ate at a great Italian food at a place by our house.
Walked the Brooklyn Bridge and found copyrighted graffiti.

Got to see this great view and Michael told me I would find better

And we did!

We may have trespassed to get there, but it was such an amazing view!

And Michael enjoyed taking pictures too!

We walked by some houses in Brooklyn, that I wanted to live in and made our way to Asya, an Indian Food restaurant. Michael felt right at home. Ha ha

While we were at work, Michael played in the city! He even discovered a secret subway station! 
(yes- true thing. Take the 6 all the way down and stay on when they say it’s the last stop. It’s a pretty sweet)

And Michael got to go to Coney Island the next day.

Friday after work we visited Grand Central for the Centennial Celebration

And hung out with the Aggies at happy hour!

Since Michael happened to come for a weekend, he got to enjoy the Rachel-Kiker traditions including Comfort Diner. He even liked it enough to go back on Sunday morning too. Mmmmm

Saturday we took the tram to Roosevelt Island. It was a pretty cool ride that let you overlook some of Manhattan.

While it was super windy, we got to take lots of cool pictures. 

We came back to Manhattan, grabbed some yummy treats at Buttercup Bakery and joined some friends for dinner in Little Italy that night!

Sunday was by far one of my favorite days in New York City. While we got a late start, we had so much FUN. We started off by venturing to Brooklyn. We even found our Brooklyn’s sister still waiting for a home! (Maybe next weekend we’ll come back and get you ;)

We took windy pictures and had lots of fun enjoying the pretty day in NYC. 

 We then ventured to one of my favorite places to eat in the city- Artisanal. It’s a fondue restaurant and was so yummy! 

At about 6:42 we realized that we should probably head towards the theater district as we had tickets to see The Book of Mormon at 7. Well the subways weren't really near the restaurant and we kind of thought a cab might take longer so we decided to run. Yes run to The Book of Mormon. Boots on the ground, jacket and scarf flying, running for 17 blocks and 4 avenues to make it to the theater. It was quite the work out. We made it just in time with a little sweat on our heads to some amazing seats.

The show was absolutely hilarious. So incredibly funny and unpredictable. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should.
As we slowly walked toward home, we came across Rockefeller plaza. It was a bit empty and there were only like 15 people ice skating. 

So on whim we decided to join the party. It was SO MUCH FUN! 

And little did I know Mr. Michael is twinkle toes on ICE!


All in all I must say it was a grand ole time!

Michael we hope you enjoyed your stay and playtime in the city! Thanks for showing us the secret subway station, letting us take you out, fixing our apple products, always asking about our day after work, and being a really great friend! Best of luck on your new adventure in San Fran! We’ll miss you!

Stay tuned for next week as Laura Munoz and Bianca Aguilar visit the Big Apple! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel. Bailey here. You make my life look dismal. I still plan to visit. Hope you and Michael had lots of fun ;)
    Miss you!
