Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Day as New Yorkers

So maybe most New Yorkers wake up a little earlier than 12:30 pm but hey we were tired. So after finally getting ready for the day we set out to try the Comfort Diner that’s on our street. And boy oh boy did it remind us of Hullaballo. It’s a super small diner with an old time look and food that is super yummy and cheap (Whoop!) 

After eating take out chinese food for the past two days, our meals were delicious..

We plan on making the comfort diner our place to hangout and eat. Just like the restaurant on Seinfield and Central Perk for Friends!

Anyone who comes to visit will definitely make a visit to the lovely  Comfort Diner. 

With about  a couple hours till dark left in the city we set out to find groceries. We have an Amish Market right across the street from us, but it's expensive. I mean 6 dollars for a small jar of peanut butter. So with some research we set out for Trader Joes in the East Village. Of course it’s a couple subway rides away but we figured we could make it back with our stuff. (We may have had to get a cab with all of our stuff)

Trader Joes is awesome! So much good stuff and cheap too! 

So with our cheese, bread, fruits and veggies we ventured across the street to TJ Maxx and Bed Bath and Beyond in search of a mirror. Of course TJ Maxx didn't have a mirror, but we had no problem finding other things we liked. 

We got our mirror at Bed Bath and Beyond and we were quite the sight in New York. Just imagine Kiker with a full length mirror two bags from TJ Maxx and me with two purses and a large yellow bag filled with groceries. We would like to say that this is what the average New Yorker looked like but they were smart and brought rolling carts. 

 We made it home and got ready to attend the New York A&M Club bowl game watching party. 

We met up with the other A&M interns and had such a fun time watching A&M BTHO OU! 

After the win one of our friends in the city showed us where we would certainly gain 15 pounds on our internship. (Thanks Sean)  Pommes Frites. Belgin French Fries with so many different kinds of dipping sauce. And so of course we indulged. 

We then ended the night at the 13th Step (which could become a habit)

All in all we had a wonderful day in the city and well at least tried to become New Yorkers. 

Oh yeah and Kiker found it necessary to give the bouncer at 13th Step her number.  

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