Sunday, January 13, 2013

Working Life

Well the title is pretty evident as to what we were doing Monday through Friday this week. We started our internships at PwC. The first day we went to a hotel in Times Square for orientation and got to meet the 164 other interns who will be working in the New York Metro area. There are so many international students and people from all walks of life. Our two newest friends that sat at our table that day were from Germany! We got our new laptops and backpacks! (Laura and I loved them so much we decided to go shopping that night for computer bags!)

PwC hosted a dinner for us at Carmine’s a really great Italian restaurant. The food and company was great! We really love having 5 Aggies represented in NYC!The funniest part of the night I must say was when we were about to leave as an intern stumbled down the stairs of the place. Earlier that day HR said for everyone to be responsible about drinking and utilizing the bar but apparently that kid didn't get the memo. The best part was that he went to UT. Laura said it perfectly when she called him a sloppy bevo.

The rest of the week we were at the office in our training classes for Audit. They were kinda a refresher to the audit class we had just taken at school but included a lot of software we had never used before so that was a bit challenging. I got to know the people in my class pretty well and we also had this view all week. 

The rough parts of each day were staying awake and mainly waking up. It’s a bit rough to wake up at 7 and stay awake all day till 6. So we discovered the power of coffee. Lets just say kiker had 4 on Tuesday and still had this face. 

On Tuesday we also learned the real meaning of happy hour. We were so ready for a drink after our first day of training that we went to the first bar in sight… TGI Fridays. That’s right folks, in a city filled with thousands of restaurants and bars we choose one that sucks in Texas and NY. But it satisfied our hunger and thirst.

By the time Friday came along we were pooped. But we had bought gym memberships earlier in the week and decided to put them to good use early that night. We then came back home and got ready to go meet up with friends from work and A&M.

Meet our German friends! 

After going to a couple bars (and Laura had one too many drinks) we decided to make our way to the meat packing district. So we did what every other New Yorker does- take the subway. Well, Felipe, Chase, Laura and I decided to let Laura lead. (smart right, let the drunk girl lead)

Well lets just say we were on the subway for a bit before we found out it was a Brooklyn bound train. Ha ha So we jumped off, in our then exhausted state, to have to wait 20 minutes for the next train. By the time we made it back we were sooo tired.

Which is why we slept till 12 on Saturday.  And then continued our tradition of the Comfort Diner down the street for a late breakfast. 

We then got ready to go to the largest Macys on its One Day Sale (boys idea not ours!) Of course it was georgeous and HUGE but also complete chaos.  

At breakfast we found out that two of our friends from A&M had never dunked their Aggie rings, so we decided to host a ring dunk in Central Park at 9:13 pm. (Of course that meant it was 8:13 in Texas and 20:13 military time) #smartaggies

Felipe and Casey were troopers! Lets just say it was forty degrees outside, we had just bought the beer and it was super cold and well it was poured right before they did it.

(CAUTION: may contain vomiting)

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