Sunday, January 6, 2013

Silly Saturday

I guess you could say we utilized our last Saturday before work by relaxing. We first started off by sleeping in till about umm 1:30 pm. ( I have a feeling our 7 am wake up on Monday morning is really going to bite us) We then utilized our new purchases from Trader Joes. 

Kiker made her breakfast sandwich mmmmmm

I also happened to have my button fall off the night before on my coat so we set out to pick up the laundry we had dropped of the day before and see if they could sew my button on for me. Of course it took them less than two minutes but cost me five dollars. (Goal for the summer- learn how to sew a button onto a coat).

Oh and we also picked up our compressed folded laundry. Worth the 20 bucks?

By this time it was already dark and we decided to go shopping at a couple stores nearby. (spending money before we actually make any right?)We didn't break the bank but we were able to purchase these matching red sweater dresses. Does PwC have a twin day we can participate in? 

After coming back to our apartment and relaxing (i.e. eating dinner and spending two hours on facebook), we headed to see our amigos from A&M a couple blocks away. 

I had heard that you could meet the SNL cast after an episode at Rockefeller plaza. So we watched the newest episode with Louie C.K. and Fun. After arriving and talking to one of the guards, we found out that it was only a partially live episode and so they had already left. Womp womp. But Kiker made sure to ask the guard about when Justin Bieber would be back and how many times she had seen him. If kiker for some chance doesn't make it to work one week, it’s probably cause she will be camping out for SNL tickets to see Justin. 

 We also saw them putting up a huge crane in the middle of two streets last night.  

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