Sunday, January 20, 2013

A New York Life Lesson

In Texas laundry is pretty easy. Sure its not fun, unless you’re Sarah Sistrunk, but it’s not a huge obstacle. You have an over-sized washer and dryer and it’s relatively simple. Walk to the laundry room and throw in the soap and clothes and fold when its done. TA DA! Batta boom batta bang- You’re done! Laundry in New York hasn’t been that easy. At all.

Last time we ended up doing laundry at the cleaners below us. They charge a dollar per pound and its done in 24 hours. This time we decided to save money and visit the girls apartment 5 blocks from us to do laundry in their basement. Couldn't be too bad. Do it yourself, just like at home. HA HA NOT!
It was more like a horrible nightmare from the dorm days. It took me 30 minutes to figure out how to start the washer. It wasn't until a guy walked in and told me that he unplugs it and plugs it back in to get it to work. I would have never figured that out. 

So after starting two loads I dragged the rest of it up 5 flights of stairs to wait at Ashleigh’s house. Well 30 minutes late I came back down to switch it and well someone else’s stuff was in the dryer. When they finally came to get it they only restarted it for the 3rd time because the dryer was SO slow. So with this circumstance we dragged the wet laundry 6 more blocks to finish at a laundry mat.

It was my first time to ever go to a laundry mat and well lets say it was a bit different but overall okay. We got our laundry done and took a cab back with our two big suitcases filled with clean clothes. Lets just say it ended up costing us more than if we would have paid to get it done. 

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