Sunday, January 20, 2013

A picture is worth a thousand words..

So here is our week in pictures. Let us know what your 1000 words are :) 

Kiker wanted a massage before bedtime. 

Kiker made lots of to do lists on our first day out of training. 

I made my first grilled cheese. 

I went to dinner with my Impact Counselor and ate cake. 

Watched over time square all week. 

Ate some bad Salsa. 

Went to work at my client. 

Went to the ever yummy, Comfort Diner for dinner. 

Got a new fish game on my phone because I have too much free time. 

Watched the sunset in the city. 

Kiker got new boots! 

We took lots of selfies! 

Kiker's mom sent cookies from Texas! 

Had another yummy dinner.

Went to Turtle Bay and found a turtle.

Had a fun night out on Friday. 

Played hangman at dinner. 

 Found a good quote. 

Tried on Sarah's glasses. 

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