Thursday, January 3, 2013

We did it ALL!

The lovely Ashley and Laura came to visit the day after I got to New York and we had so much fun! I wanted to make their first trip to New York such a great time. So in 5 short days we did it all! 

(side note- both of them may hate some of these pics I post, but there are so many more on facebook) 

Day 1:
Pulled all three bags up two flights of my slanted stairs
 Went to Grand Central Station and admired the chandeliers we want in our house

Went to New York Public Library

Admired Art work 

Went to Bryant Park bought gloves and watch people ice skate

Laura of course found lots of cats the whole trip

Found the prettiest Christmas tree

And tried to take cute pictures despite the massive amount of people

 Took refuge from the cold wind at a warm bar

Sprinted through Times Square and saw the New Years Eve show stage

Laura of course posed for a picture

But then quickly covered up

Then, tucked in the tired Texans and the roomie and I went out

Day 2: 
First New York subway ride

Ate lunch at Sarabeths 

Took solo pics in Central Park

Found a puppy at the park 

Watched the ice skaters fall

Ate some yummy macaroons on Madison Ave. 

Then it was time to ring in 2013! 

with all the ladies!

Ashley had fun at the club even though it was a huge crowd

But who knew getting a cab on New Years would be so hard. 

 Day 3:
We started 2013 off with street food. 

Went to the Top of the Rock to view New York from above

Once again, bared the wind to take cute pics 

 and see the city!

 Did the NBC tour where Ashley and Laura both got to do the news and weather

And eat candy afterward

Times square round two (less people, lots of trash from the night before) 

Saw a fancy car....maybe its Bruce Wayne

Visited the Toys R Us Ferris Wheel 

Took more Times Square Pics  

Ate at Serendipity  

Ordered the famous frozen hot chocolate but
 Day 4:
Visited Trinity Church in Lower Manhattan 

New York Stock Exchange
"Whats in there?"- Laura 

 And Freedom Tower 

The Fire Station

and the World Trade Center Memorial

Ashley got her Dunkin Donut and I got bad coffee but enjoyed the chair  

We ate Chinese food in China Town

 and got foot massages afterwards (my favorite part)

Laura loveddd it 

and so did Ash! 

Finally we settled our debts. 

All in all I can’t thank them enough for coming to visit me. It was a wonderful time to warm up our new house and a great way to ring in the new year! Love both of yall to pieces! Can't wait for the next trip.

Oh year and Laura met Harry Potter. 

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