Sunday, January 20, 2013

Meet the Aggies in NYC!

So as some of you know there are 8 interns in New York City from Texas A&M. We all live about 5 blocks from each other and hangout quite a lot. So last night as we were pondering what to do we got to know each other even better.

Meet the NYC Crew!

Chase “Single. White. Male. Addicted. To. Retail” Lawshe

Austin “I didn't smile till I was 12” Shepherd

Laura “my friends and I did photo shoots” Kiker

Felipe “I don’t get offended when people talk bad about Mexicans, because I’m Colombian” Cifuentes

Sarah “Dolphin was my soccer team name” Klein

Allie “Lets all just go back to Barcelona” Torres

Rachel “Who doesn't want to be a princess and have 15 dogs?” Duran

Ashleigh “no explanation needed. Repeat may be required” Womack 

Now if your ready for a game, please feel free to match up our old AIM names to our faces. 


Goodnight from NYC! 

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